Ansco Viking

Agfa-Ansco VIKING Medium Format

My First Love...

That camera started me collecting.... I first saw this camera on a shelf in a second-hand store. I immediately felt attracted to it. I had never really seen this type of camera. I couldn't get any information on the camera or on the lens in those days. It needed some TLC so I had it overhauled at a specialized shop. It cost 140CDN $, I remember... A mistake... I spent way too much for a "bottom-feeder", the lowest lens/shutter (Agfa Agnar lens with Vario shutter) combination available in this line.

I later managed to brake off the fragile flash connector post mounted on the lens shutter. I did manage to take a few rolls with it. I was really impressed! At the proper settings (f11, 1/60th) the quality is truly remarkable. Of course, it uses a 6x9 negative! It gave me the medium format bug. From that moment, I was hooked on folding cameras and learned all I could about them.

This camera dates from the 50's, the covering is synthetic, hard to tell the exact composition.

TypeFixed-lens (no rangefinder)
Film120 (6x9cm)
LensAgfa Agnar 6.3, 105mm with flash connector
Shutter speedsB,1/25,1/50,1/200 + self timer
Aperturesf 3.5 - f 32
Light meterno


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